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Design Thinking Jam to work out strategic initiatives for Building Back Biodiversity

World University of Design
 will be holding it’s sixth Global Goals Jam in September to address six Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and work out strategic initiatives to Build Back Biodiversity. A key initiative of the university, Global Goals Jam is a collaborative programme with UNDP, UNESCO, Startup India and Media Labs Amsterdam. Innovators, professionals & students across over a hundred global cities, will be brainstorming and ideating over two days to cull out workable ideas for Protecting Habitat, Reducing Overexploitation of Resources, Reducing Pollution and Adapting to Climate Change under this collaborative.

The workshop is two-forked and involves one session with Trainers of various institutions on September 12th, 2023 and another with design professionals and students of WUD on September 18th and 19th, 2023 at WUD Campus. Abiding by the various goals pointed out in Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15) 2030, feasible and sustainable models will be put forth for implementation once approved by the four collaborators: UNDP, UNESCO, Startup India and Media Labs Amsterdam.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta (Vice Chancellor, World University of Design) expressed his views, “WUD commitment to SDGs is absolute. We have been hosting Global Goals Jam since our inception in 2018 and it is part of our annual calendar of innovation activities. This year’s focus on Bringing Back Biodiversity will surely create models to sustain naturally occurring ecosystems that will further sustain the web of life. The event nurtures thoughts across all sectors and emphasizes on their capacity to contribute towards a common goal. The take home for all participants is the very sensitivity and awareness towards the issue of deteriorated biodiversity.

Enthralled to be contributing to the sixth year of this service design jam, Sanmitra Chitte, Dean of School of Management at WUD remarked, “Global Goals Jam 2023 is an exciting opportunity for Design enthusiasts, both experts and students, across borders and from all walks of life to share and exchange electrifying ideas and strategies. Bringing Back Biodiversity aims to address the depletion of natural resources due to overexploitation. When professionals and designers work together towards finding a solution, the outcomes can be just mind boggling! Here we don’t compete, instead we work together across all boundaries globally to be able to create a strategy that proves to be sustainable and workable.

World University of Design as a young institute in India has been hosting this programme for six years now and is the only institute in India to do so. While the students of WUD have brought forth some really commendable models to help attain goals listed in SDGs 2030, they look forward to this one to create a model that is executed globally.

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