East India Real Estate Market: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities – Insights from Mr. Sanjeev Srivastva, Chairman & Founder, Assotech Group


Can you share about your observations on the current market trends, challenges, and opportunities in your industry  in the East market? How has consumer behavior evolved in the same?

Absolutely, I’d be delighted to share my insights on the East market, where Assotech Group has been actively expanding and evolving. The real estate landscape in Eastern India, particularly in states like Odisha and , has been witnessing significant transformation driven by several key trends, challenges, and opportunities.

Market Trends: One of the most notable trends is the increasing demand for integrated townships and mixed-use developments. Consumers in the East are now seeking comprehensive living solutions that offer residential, commercial, and recreational facilities within a single development. This trend is driven by the growing middle class and their aspirations for a higher quality of life, along with the convenience of having everything within easy reach. Another trend is the rising interest in sustainable and eco-friendly developments. There is a growing awareness and preference for projects that incorporate green building practices and sustainable technologies. This aligns perfectly with our commitment at Assotech Group to environmentally responsible construction.

Challenges: Despite these positive trends, there are challenges that we face in the East market. Infrastructure development, while improving, still poses a significant challenge. The pace of urbanization often outstrips the development of necessary infrastructure, leading to issues such as traffic congestion and inadequate public services. Regulatory challenges also remain a concern. The real estate sector is heavily regulated, and navigating these regulations can be complex and time-consuming. Ensuring compliance while maintaining project timelines requires meticulous planning and execution.

Opportunities: The East market presents a wealth of opportunities, especially with the government’s focus on developing this region. Initiatives like the Smart Cities Mission and various state-level development projects are creating a conducive environment for real estate growth. These initiatives not only improve infrastructure but also attract investments, boosting the overall economic landscape. Moreover, the untapped potential in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities in the East offers vast opportunities. Cities like Bhubaneswar and Kolkata are emerging as significant real estate hubs, driven by increasing urbanization and economic activities.

Evolving Consumer Behavior: Consumer behavior in the East has evolved remarkably over the years. There is a noticeable shift towards digital engagement, with more consumers using online platforms to explore real estate options. This digital inclination has prompted us to enhance our online presence and offer virtual tours and digital transactions to meet the changing preferences. Furthermore, the pandemic has influenced consumer priorities, with a greater emphasis on health, wellness, and spacious living environments. There is a growing demand for homes that offer ample open spaces, ventilation, and amenities that support a holistic lifestyle.

In summary, while the East market presents its set of challenges, the opportunities far outweigh them. At Assotech Group, we are committed to leveraging these opportunities by delivering innovative, sustainable, and customer-centric real estate solutions that cater to the evolving needs of consumers in this vibrant region.

What is the marketing/media mix strategy of your brand as well as its market share, ad spends in the East market (E.g. )? What forms the core of the creative communication process of your brand and how is your brand catering to the requirements of the East market?

Certainly, the East market holds significant importance for Assotech Group, and our marketing and media strategies are meticulously crafted to cater to this region’s unique dynamics.

Marketing/Media Mix Strategy: Our marketing/media mix strategy in the East market is a balanced combination of traditional and digital platforms to ensure maximum reach and engagement.

  1. Digital Marketing: 
  • Social Media: We leverage platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to engage with potential buyers and investors. Regular updates, interactive posts, and targeted advertising help us connect with a tech-savvy audience.
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Our robust SEO strategy ensures that our projects are easily discoverable by potential buyers conducting online searches.
  • Email Campaigns: Personalized email campaigns are crafted to keep our audience informed about new launches, project updates, and promotional offers.
  1. Traditional Marketing:
  • Print Media: We continue to invest in print advertisements in leading newspapers and magazines in the region. These ads are strategically placed to capture the attention of a broad audience.
  • Outdoor Advertising: Billboards, hoardings, and transit advertising in key locations help us maintain a strong offline presence.
  • Events and Exhibitions: Participating in real estate expos and organizing property shows allows us to directly interact with potential buyers and showcase our offerings.
  1. Media Partnerships:
  • We collaborate with local media houses for editorial features, interviews, and sponsored content to enhance our brand visibility and credibility.

Market Share and Ad Spends:

Assotech Group has established a robust presence in the East market, particularly in Odisha and . We hold a significant market share in these regions, attributed to our successful projects and customer-centric approach. In terms of ad spends, we allocate approximately 70% of our total marketing budget to the East market, with a focus on maximizing ROI through targeted and effective campaigns.

Creative Communication Process:

The core of our creative communication process revolves around the themes of innovation, sustainability, and community.

  1. Storytelling: Each of our campaigns is designed to tell a story that resonates with our audience. We highlight the unique aspects of our projects, such as eco-friendly construction practices, luxury amenities, and the sense of community we foster.
  2. Localization: We understand the cultural nuances and preferences of the East market. Our communication strategy includes localized content that speaks directly to the values and aspirations of the people in this region.
  3. Visual Appeal: High-quality visuals and virtual tours are integral to our campaigns. These elements not only attract attention but also provide a realistic and immersive experience of our projects.
  4. Customer Testimonials: Featuring testimonials and success stories from satisfied customers helps build trust and credibility.

Catering to the East Market:

To effectively cater to the East market, we focus on several key areas:

  1. Affordability and Luxury: We offer a range of properties that cater to different segments, from affordable housing to luxury residences, ensuring that we meet diverse needs and budgets.
  2. Sustainability: Our projects incorporate sustainable technologies and practices, appealing to the growing eco-conscious segment of buyers.
  3. Community Engagement: We engage with the local community through various CSR initiatives, such as educational programs and skill development centers. This not only strengthens our brand presence but also builds goodwill.
  4. Customer-Centric Approach: Understanding and addressing the specific requirements of our customers in the East market is paramount. We offer personalized services, flexible payment plans, and dedicated customer support to ensure a seamless experience.

In conclusion, Assotech Group’s marketing/media mix strategy, combined with our focus on innovative and localized communication, positions us as a leading real estate developer in the East market. Our commitment to sustainability, community, and customer satisfaction continues to drive our success in this dynamic region.

In 2024 what will be the focus areas of your brand in the East market and can you provide an estimate of the medium in which it is investing more –  digital or traditional ?

In 2024, Assotech Group will strategically focus on expanding its footprint and strengthening its presence in the East market, particularly in regions like Odisha and . Our emphasis will be on launching innovative and sustainable projects that cater to the evolving needs and preferences of our consumers. One of our primary focus areas will be the development of integrated townships and mixed-use developments that offer a blend of residential, commercial, and recreational spaces, thereby creating vibrant communities.

We will also intensify our efforts in incorporating green building practices and sustainable technologies across our projects. This commitment to sustainability not only aligns with global environmental standards but also resonates with the eco-conscious segment of buyers in the East market.

Regarding our investment in marketing mediums, 2024 will see a balanced yet slightly skewed approach towards digital platforms. Approximately 40% of our marketing budget will be allocated to digital marketing efforts, reflecting our aim to leverage the growing internet penetration and digital engagement in the region. This includes targeted social media campaigns, search engine marketing, content marketing, and influencer collaborations to reach a broader and more diverse audience. The remaining 60% will be dedicated to traditional marketing channels such as print media, outdoor advertising, and participation in real estate expos and events. This comprehensive strategy ensures that we maintain a strong presence both online and offline, effectively engaging with potential buyers and stakeholders in the East market.

How is your brand leveraging digital media, technology as well as influencer and social media marketing ? What are the marketing/ad campaigns launched by your brand in 2024?

Assotech Group is leveraging digital media and technology extensively to enhance our brand presence and engage with our target audience more effectively. In 2024, we have adopted a multi-faceted digital strategy that includes social media marketing, influencer partnerships, and advanced technology integration to create a seamless customer experience.

Our social media marketing efforts focus on platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, where we share engaging content that showcases our projects, highlights customer testimonials, and provides updates on upcoming developments. We utilize these platforms to interact with our audience, respond to inquiries, and build a community around our brand. By leveraging data analytics, we tailor our content to meet the preferences and behaviors of our audience in the East market.

Influencer marketing plays a significant role in our digital strategy. We collaborate with local influencers and real estate bloggers who have a strong following in the East market to promote our projects. These influencers provide authentic reviews and insights, helping us reach potential buyers who trust their recommendations.

In terms of technology, we have implemented virtual tours and augmented reality (AR) tools that allow prospective buyers to explore our properties remotely. This innovative approach not only enhances the customer experience but also ensures that we remain accessible to clients who prefer online interactions.

Can you share about the performance of your brand in 2023 in the East market and  the growth projections, expansion plans for 2024 ?

In 2023, Assotech Group witnessed significant performance growth in the East market, particularly in regions like Odisha, and Jharkhand. Our projects in these areas, such as Assotech Pride in Odisha and various residential and commercial developments in Jharkhand, saw strong demand and robust sales figures, underscoring our effective market strategies and the appeal of our offerings.

The Assotech  project in Odisha, for example, achieved remarkable sales with over 1300 units sold in record time, reflecting a sales value of 300 crore INR within three months. This success was driven by our innovative construction techniques, such as the use of MIVAN formwork, which significantly reduced construction time and enhanced the overall quality and efficiency of the project. Additionally, our luxury projects like Assotech Luxury, Kronos, and Atlas collectively achieved a sales value of 350 crore INR, demonstrating our ability to cater to diverse market segments.

Our market share in the East has strengthened, with Assotech Group now holding a dominant position in the real estate economy of Odisha, as highlighted by a survey from ET Realty. This increased market share is a testament to our strategic foresight, customer-centric approach, and commitment to quality.

Looking ahead to 2024, we have ambitious growth projections and expansion plans for the East market. Our focus will be on further consolidating our presence in Odisha, and Jharkhand through the launch of new residential, commercial, and mixed-use developments. We plan to invest heavily in both digital and traditional marketing channels to reach a wider audience and drive engagement.

Key initiatives for 2024 include:

  1. Expansion of Assotech World: Building on the success of our initial phase, we will continue to expand this township project with additional residential units and enhanced amenities to meet the growing demand.
  2. New Projects in Odisha: We are exploring opportunities to launch new projects in key cities within , targeting both residential and commercial segments to diversify our portfolio.
  3. Technological Advancements: We will continue to leverage advanced construction technologies and digital tools to improve project efficiency, customer engagement, and overall satisfaction.
  4. Sustainable Development: Sustainability remains a core focus, and we will introduce more green building practices and eco-friendly features in our upcoming projects.

Overall, 2024 promises to be a year of significant growth and expansion for Assotech Group in the East market. We are committed to delivering exceptional value to our customers and stakeholders, reinforcing our position as a leading real estate developer in the region.