Innovative companies in Cognitive computing 2021


Cognitive computing combines machine learning, reasoning, NLP, speech understanding and human-computer interaction in a way that mimics the human brain and improves decision-making. This AI-based capability could transform industries from sales forecasting, communications and supply chain improvement to pharmaceutical research, marketing, defence, fraud detection, finance and agriculture.

Innovative companies in Cognitive computing

Aisera’s artificial intelligence platform for service management (AISM) helps customers and employees optimise processes to increase productivity and reduce costs. The platform combines automated services, AI-based speech capabilities and workflow automation.

Accenture seeks to leverage all of its customers and their processes through a unique approach to scaling artificial intelligence, analytics, data and automation. The Accenture team helps organizations invest in the right solutions and services that align with their business objectives.

AWS Machine Learning
AWS machine learning services and supporting cloud infrastructure enable machine learning capabilities for all developers, data scientists and professionals.

Alteryx provides a platform that makes it easy to automate the entire analytics process. The company recently announced new products that innovatively address analytics automation and data processing, cloud analytics, artificial intelligence and machine learning.

C3 AI accelerates digital transformation with fully integrated products such as C3 AI Suite (a complete AI application platform), C3 AI Applications (a suite of SaaS applications for industrial AI), C3 AI CRM (an AI application and ML CRM) and C3 AI Machina, a code-free AI solution for everyday data processing.

SparkCognition offers three enterprise cognitive computing software solutions: SparkPredict, SparkSecure and MindFabric. SparkPredict intelligently applies advanced algorithms to large data sets. SparkSecure adds a layer of cognitive insight to security solutions to improve threat detection, harness IT power and reduce the likelihood of false positives. The MindFabric platform is a workplace for professionals with deep and informed knowledge.

Microsoft Cognitive Services
Microsoft Cognitive Services extends Microsoft’s machine learning platforms by allowing developers to easily add intelligent features such as emotion recognition, speech recognition and language understanding. With just a few lines of code, developers can create apps that work on iOS, Android and Windows devices.

Expert Systems
An expert system provides software that uses language and technology to understand unstructured content. Customers can use advanced analytics to gain insights and make human-level decisions.

IBM Watson
IBM Watson performs in-depth content analysis and uses evidence-based reasoning to guide and improve decision making, reduce costs and achieve better outcomes. For this, the software uses a set of Transformative technologies that use natural language, hypothesis generation and evidence-based learning. Experts believe Watson can transform the business problem-solving process by using machine learning, statistical analysis and NLP to find answers from data. Watson then compares the answers and assesses their reliability and accuracy.

Deepmind uses real-world applications of artificial intelligence technology to help industries such as healthcare. It enables nurses, doctors and support staff to quickly analyze test results, make the right diagnosis and treatment, and refer a case to a specialist. All these assessments are based on advanced precision analysis.

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