Lego: A brand focused on winning the audience


Brands need to take a more systematic approach to customer-centricity and not just leave it to the communications department to serve as a barometer of public conduct.

Julia Goldin, the global CMO of Lego. Speaking at the Marketing Festival and fellow panelist, GSK CMO Tamara Rogers agreed that consumer focus is not just on product growth, but also on global and local marketing. It’s about connecting and communicating in a constant conversation with consumers.

“The customer is the end-user for a consumer-facing business like ours,” “There’s even a shopper, though. And then the consumer becomes a large retailer, a third party. Among other companies, the client becomes a consumer. Rogers indicated that these terms are pretty much out of date in our people-first era, however, while they want to describe them, being consumer-focused is a critical force for all popular products.

We are a purpose-driven company, based on helping people do well, feel better and live longer, and we all feel very lucky right now to work in an atmosphere where people do well, feel happy and where we can try and make a difference, “We talk of it like an obsession, we want to do people well because if we do so, we realize we’re doing our best for them. Healthcare has an extra function and an extra sense.

It’s tricky to measure this emotional commitment, particularly when we’re talking about a continuous phase. Genuinely nurturing customer awareness and recognizing needs must be the target and, as Rogers points out, “there is nothing worse than using the wrong KPI.”

Rather than relying on one standard measurement, it proposed a more versatile solution. Review scores on e-commerce platforms and social comments can be as powerful as any analytical instrument.

At Lego, Goldin’s team is in daily touch with a small group of adult customers, telling them about new items, colors, and current promotions. As she was quick to point out, it’s not just the public role that takes care of the interaction between viewers.”If you truly want a consumer-oriented company, it can’t be entrusted to marketing,” GSK Rogers has introduced audience-based planning, allowing the organization and its products to remain relevant. When Lego launched its Super Mario game, the marketing department had to adapt to a drastically shifted retail landscape. Rogers agreed that we can expect to see many more examples of rapid campaigning post-pandemic, but stresses the effort required to make it work. “Brands that are focused on their audience always win,”. Back from the page, You Came From. ” Digital channels and analytics have too many opportunities for us to learn and appeal to our audiences.