News18 Indian Languages remain No.1 in election season

News18 Indian Languages remain No.1 in election season
News18 Indian Languages remain No.1 in election season
As per the latest ComScore data, News18 Indian Languages cluster has maintained its position as the number one digital news platform for Indian languages in March 2024.
At a whopping 83.7 million Unique Visitors (UVs), News18 Indian Languages
maintained its lead, registering 20% growth in UVs compared to the previous month.
It stayed ahead of its key competitor TOI Vernacular, which recorded 81.6 million
UVs in March. TV9 Network captured 79.4 million UVs, followed by Aaj Tak at 54.4
million UVs.
News18 Indian Languages cluster consists of Hindi as well as regional languages.
(News18 Punjab, News18 Bangla, News18 Gujarati, News18 Kannada, News18
Tamil, News18 Telugu, News18 Odia, News18 Assam/NE, News18 Lokmat, News18
Malayalam, News18 Telugu and News18 Urdu) The impactful performance of News18 Indian Languages is attributed to its in-depth coverage in the election season. The platform extensively covers key election issues and news stories from diverse perspectives in all major languages across the country, reaching audiences nationwide.
Commenting on the remarkable performance of the cluster, Mitul Sangani, CEO –
Indian Languages, News18 Network said, With news in 13 Indian languages,
News18 provides unparalleled election coverage from all over the country. Our broad
audience appeal has not only earned viewerstrust but also increasingly attracted
advertisers interest. The impressive viewership numbers encourage us to continually
innovate how news is served in Indian languages.
News18 Network is an undisputed leader in terms of viewership both on TV and
digital platforms. The group garnered the undivided attention of viewers in every
segment, emerging as the go-to source for news across languages.