Organizing the Unorganized: E- SHRAM PORTAL


It is about two months since the e-Shram portal was launched and more than 4-crore registrations have happened.   

The Ministry of Labour and Employment spoke on Sunday. Workforce occupied in various jobs such as construction, apparel manufacturing, fishing, gig and platform work, street vending, domestic work, agriculture and allied, the transport sector has registered on the portal.  

An enormous percentage of migrant workers who are part of these sectors also joined the portal.  

The benefits of different schemes related to social security and employment were earlier available to the organized sector and migrants were out of the scene. Now through the portal, even migrants can make use of these schemes.   

It has been stated that 4.09 people registered on the e-Shram portal. 49.98 per cent of the registered workers are males. 50.02 per cent of the registered workers are females.   

Almost equal per cent of male and female workers have engaged with the E-Shram portal. This development was gradual and improved on a weekly basis.  

Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, Bihar, West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh are the states that top the list for numerous registrations.  

Unfortunately, when it comes to Union Territories and smaller states, the number of registered workers is less.  

This registration initiative needs to speed up in states like Chandigarh, Manipur, Meghalaya and Goa.  

Now workers can make use of the digital platform and access welfare programmes by registering online.  

The mobile application or the website of the portal can play an important role in delivering entitlements to individual workers.   

Workers can visit State Seva Kendra, E- Seva Kendra, Labour Facilitation Centres, etc. To make the registration. A digital e-SHRAM card will be sent to the registered workers; profiles can be updated after that.  

A Universal Account Number that is valid across the country will meet many needs just like the Aadhar card’s number. This will avoid enrolment at various places.  

The agriculture and construction sectors have contributed the biggest number of workers to the portal.  

A registered worker can avail of 2 lakh rupees if a mishap like death or permanent disability occurs. He/she will be eligible for 1 lakh rupees in case of partial disability.   

65.68 per cent of the registered workers are 16-40 years, 34.32 per cent are above 40 years.   

The minister and officials are constantly interacting with workers through leaders of trade unions to create awareness about the need for this drive. 

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