On this week’s IMDb Popular Indian Celebrities list, actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu secured the 4th position. The actress recently shared the poster of her upcoming movie Bangaram on the occasion of her birthday, marking her debut into production. Additionally, Samantha is gearing up for the Indian spy thriller Citadel: Honey Bunny alongside Varun Dhawan. It’s a spin-off of the American series Citadel. Actress Nitanshi Goel, known for her character as Phool Kumari in Laapataa Ladies, has secured the 8th position, as the movie was recently released on an OTT platform.
The Popular Indian Celebrities feature, available exclusively on the IMDb app for Android and iOS, highlights the top trending Indian entertainers and filmmakers each week. This is based on more than 200 million monthly visits to IMDb worldwide. Entertainment fans can see who is trending every week, follow their favorite entertainers, and discover new breakout talent.