The broad trend is positive, but there might be some turbulence in 2023: Arun Narayan

Tanishq Titan company
some turbulence in 2023: Arun Narayan

Holidays are about elegance, color, and luxury. This celebratory atmosphere is reflected in Tanishq‘s “Colour Me Joy – The Carnival Edit” jewelry line.

Arun Narayan said of the Colour Me Joy campaign, “Colour me joy was first time endeavored last year, same time and the way we look at the diamond and gemstone category is that there is a need for innovation and there is a need for coming up with different looks that in a sense presents the future directions, but also gives women different ways of wearing diamonds and gemstones, there is a bit of leap of faith there which is exploratory and breaking new ground. We had a terrific industry reaction last year. We assumed it may be metro cities. Color my joy is now a platform, and we’ll release a new edit every year to push our limits and offer unexpected collections.”

He added of Tanishq’s 2022 debuts, “This year, we did two things – one is that we had a new collection every third month, which we used to do before as well, but this year we concentrated more on the design and we pushed the edge on presenting it more powerfully.”

“Post-COVID, our learnings have been that people want to go back to normality-plus and not just normalcy, and we have all realized that there is no tomorrow, if you want to do it, do it today,” Narayan said. However, release something innovative today. Our well-wishers and clients have reacted warmly to each collection, which has motivated us to come back with something larger and better next time.”

He stated of the media mix, “The Colour Me Joy campaign is currently out across media and there is some stuff that we will debut on digital soon.” We’ll employ classic and innovative media for most campaigns for the year ahead. Depending on the audience profile, campaigns may favor one media. Many campaigns use conventional media, however, Color me joy’s media is partially digital.

Narayan stated, “It’s been a nice year so far, although a bit mixed, as some months were extremely excellent and other months were like a wet blanket, there wasn’t a clear pattern on whether things were going well or moist, but we are pretty satisfied with the way things are going now.”

“We’re receiving a lot of conflicting signals,” he remarked of the future year. “The general trend is favorable, but there may be some turbulence here and there, so we have to be ready for the turbulence and excited about the years ahead.”

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