Whisper is a feminine care brand that has come together with UNESCO. It is mainly aimed to raise awareness about hygiene management and to educate girls under its flagship program #KeepGirlsInSchool campaign. Whisper released a new film under this campaign, it is dealing with a life of a school-going girl and her education. This ad takes the viewers on a journey bringing to life the playful innocence with lots of dreams. This is illustrating the boundless dreams, open-book imagination, and a spirit overflowing with confidence. This film is trying to express that how these dreams become impossible for many girls across the country due to lack of enough education and protection. It is beautifully portraying the reality of life.
In our country, 23 million girls are dropping out the school due to the lack of proper awareness regarding this. This means 23 million unfulfilled dreams are remaining g in our world. India is dealing with this kind of problem in the 21st century also. Whisper is trying to put a light on this fact with the help of this campaign. The importance of empowering young girls to achieve their full potential is conveying through this film. The campaign is targeted at positive change in society. This change can be achieved through the collective efforts of multi-stakeholder initiatives and influential voices to assure that every girl can complete school life and education and fulfill her dreams.
Chetna Soni, Senior Director and Category Head of P&G Indian Subcontinent, feminine care mentioned that, Their latest campaign coming under #KeepGirlsInSchool seeking to brig awareness impact of girls dropping out of school due to the lack of awareness and nothing has come to fulfill their dreams and potential. They are joining an expert organization –UNESCO along with the actions to make the change. They are expecting the impact on the 25 million girls over the next three years.
Eric Halt, Director and UNESCO Representative to Bhutan, India, Maldives, and Srilanka also commented on this. The self-esteem and confidence of the girls are affected in different ways during puberty and the start of menstruation. This campaign is s strong commitment towards the fundamental right to education. Investing in a girl’s education is an investment for the entire society.